Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hansen Maintains Title of Leading Alarmist

James Hansen of NASA/GISS, the world's leading climate alarmist, maintains his title with the new draft of his paper "Global Surface Temperature Change," concluding "global temperature continued to rise rapidly in the past decade, despite large year to year fluctuations associated with the El Nino-La Nina cycle of tropical ocean temperature. Record high global temperature during the period with instrumental data was reached in 2010."

This conclusion is based entirely upon Hansen's own NASA/GISS ("gisstemp") data of surface measurements without adequate coverage of the poles and much of the oceans (which are extrapolated from temperatures up to thousands of miles away) and which have repeatedly been shown to be inappropriately "adjusted" and biased by urban heat island effects. Furthermore, NASA has admitted in climategate emails that their data is inferior to and partly based upon the other global surface temperature data from the infamous Phil Jones ("Hadcrut" data), who has admitted he's not so good at record keeping.

The other global temperature records are the 2 satellite records ("RSS" and "UAH"), which have much more complete coverage of the earth and generally track each other closely. Now lets compare what each of these data sets have shown since the 1998 El Nino (the only time during the past 12 years all 4 data sets were in close agreement). Hansen's data is shown in red at the top as the only global data set which can "claim" "record high global temperature 2010." All three of the other data sets show cooling since the 1998 El Nino, a phenomenon completely unexpected from the computer models of the "greenhouse" effect. 
Hansen's paper admits (top of p. 20) that they "have not yet attempted to integrate" satellite data into their global data set [Hmmm wonder why?]. Which data do you believe - that of ideologue James Hansen, who wants to rid the world of industrial civilization, or that of both satellites, or even Phil Jones?


  1. They seem to have the same contours. They all show an increase in temp at the end of the scale. How do they indicate cooling since 1998?
    Just asking.

  2. its the average....not the spike at the end ...

  3. Cooling is indicated by the fact that no point on any of the lines --except Hansen's-- is higher than the respective beginning point

  4. It's a touch more complex than just "this one starts out higher and ends lower". There could actually be a cooling trend even if it started lower and ended higher. Unfortunately it's really hard to eyeball a trend, which is why most charts like this have them incorporated. As I sort of already stated, you looking for a trend, not just high/low points.

  5. Fair comment. Keep up the scrutiny on Hansen. Minor point: it's 'GISTemp' not 'gisstemp' (paragraph two).
