Hard-hitting new German historical study uncovers fundamental flaws woven into the infant science of climatology. UN man-made global warming researchers misapply radiation laws, contradicting their use by all other branches of science.
German environmentalist and climate analyst, Dr. Matthias Kleespies, researching for a new historical paper on the history of the greenhouse gas theory, stumbled upon shocking evidence that discredits a long-standing assumption among climatologists.
Dr. Kleespies publishes his groundbreaking revelations about the conventional narrative of the history and provenance of so-called ‘greenhouse gas’ science with the independent science think-tank, Principia Scientific International (PSI) after extensive peer-review by a burgeoning raft of maverick PhD science bloggers. In his paper Dr. Kleespies uncovers how an unphysical concept known as "back" or "downwelling" radiation became the cornerstone of "manmade, or anthropogenic, climate change.’
In his "A Short History Of Radiation Theories – What Do They Reveal About "Anthropogenic Global Warming"?" (Principia Scientific International, Nov. 2011), Dr. Kleespies found that, “This theory is so extraordinary because there is NO OTHER field in science where any such mechanism like "back" or "downwelling" radiation is permitted.”
Applying fresh eyes to how this infant science came into being, Kleespies, an expert in sustainable technology, reviewed the mainstream standard texts and found that they confirm, en masse, a skewed rational of physics.
The physics employed by climatologists “ultimately leads to a perpetual motion machine heating up the atmosphere to a level higher than the temperature originally gained by the external heat source, the sun,” says Kleespies.
Incredulously, anthropogenic global warming (AGW) supposedly cooks our planet by nothing more than the repeated reflection of its own heat bouncing around within the gases of our atmosphere.
Kleespies poses the question: Why do so many government scientists working in climate research make an exception to permit the possibility of this perpetual motion machine of additional surface heating when other scientists wouldn’t?
The answer to the above questions is simply stunning: the real source of their scientific beliefs is a radiation theory set up by a Swiss scientist over 220 years ago named Prevost (1791).
Dr. Kleespies found that:
“When talking with any scientist believing in "back" or "downwelling" radiation you will almost always here something like this: ‘Quantum physics tells us that statistically there are more photons flowing from the warmer body to the cooler body than the other way around but that does not mean that there are NO photons – statistically – moving from the cooler to the warmer body. Only the NET FLOW is decisive.’”
The flaw, says Kleespies, is that climatologists will then have us believe that “the net flow, according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, of course is only from hot to cold.”
But because such proponents “argue that – statistically – there are some photons moving from cold to warm, i. e., from the atmosphere to the earth’s surface” the rate of cooling of the earth is smaller than it would be WITHOUT the somewhatcolder body, i.e., the atmosphere.
Hm. So how does Kleespies explain the fact that the Earth's surface temperature is higher than the equilibrium blackbody temperature, given the thermal inputs?
ReplyDeleteKleespies doesn't seem to get the idea of "net", or maybe doesn't know what a closed system is. The greenhouse effect doesn't require a spontaneous net flow of heat from a cold to a hot reservoir in an isolated system. This is the basis of Kleespie's criticism.
May I suggest that readers pay a visit to http://judithcurry.com/2011/10/15/letter-to-the-dragon-slayers/ and http://rankexploits.com/musings/2011/do-industrial-countries-absorb-co2/ for enlightenment about PSI and the "Slayers".