Wednesday, May 27, 2015

New paper reviews & summarizes the NIPCC Report Climate Change Reconsidered -Physical Science

A new paper by physical chemist & meteorologist Dr. Martin Hertzberg reviews and summarizes the NIPCC Report Climate Change Reconsidered II - Physical Science, including points of agreement and disagreement, including why climate sensitivity to increased levels of CO2 is negligible. 

The paper concludes,
"While the presence of 0.04% CO2 in our atmosphere is essential for life in the biosphere, the notion that such a minor constituent of the atmosphere can control the above forces and [atmospheric] motions is absurd. There is, in fact, not one iota of reliable evidence that it does."
Dr. Martin Hertzberg has a PhD in Physical Chemistry from Stanford, earned his BA degree, cum laude, from the Heights Campus of New York University, and was trained as a meteorologist at the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School. His honors include membership in Phi Beta Kappa, a Meritorious Service Award, a Foreign Visiting Scholar at CNRS in Orleans, France, and a Fulbright Professorship.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you will keep sharing more posts in future.
