Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cook's 'Skeptical Science' new global warming scare tactic: cuddly kitten sneezes

Nuttertelli & Kook's Nuccitelli & Cook's latest scare tactic employs quadrillions of kitten sneezes, instead of the repeatedly debunked analogy of global warming to Hiroshima bombs. My comment to his Guardian article today is posted below remains in eternal "moderation" at The "Guardian."
"I (@dana1981) presented a poster (which can be viewed in the ePosters) outlining effective methods to communicate science via social media, based on our consensus paper communications success. Cook also discussed communicating the rapid continuation of global warming in terms people can visualize, like 4 Hiroshima atomic bomb detonations per second. For those who prefer a cuddlier comparison, Cook converted this to units of kitten sneezes – 7.4 quadrillion per second."
When accounting for all heat accumulating in the climate system, global warming is proceeding at 7.4 quadrillion kitten sneezes per second.  Image created by John Cook at Skeptical Science.When accounting for all heat accumulating in the climate system, global warming is proceeding at 7.4 quadrillion kitten sneezes per second. Image created by John Cook at Skeptical Science, photo courtesy of fanpop.com.

My comment "in moderation" at The Guardian:

Kitten sneezes or Hiroshima bombs, the fact is the 0.09C ocean warming over the past 55 years [Levitus et al 2012] proves that:

1.  The IPCC exaggerates effect of man on climate by more than 5 times

2. The warming is not from longwave infrared from increased greenhouse gases

3. Due the 1st and 2nd laws, an ocean that is 0.09C warmer can only warm the atmosphere by an additional 0.09C. 

4. Douglass & Knox disproved the assumptions behind the Kitten/Hiroshima analogy used by Cook/Nuccitelli


and here

5. Why the 'one Hiroshima bomb every four seconds' claim is another AGW lie


  1. see also


  2. and





  3. http://judithcurry.com/2013/11/28/is-earth-in-energy-deficit/

  4. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/06/23/getting-cooked-by-hiroshima-atomic-bomb-global-warming/

  5. Excellent. I suspect your comment will remain in limbo indefinitely. Too bad.

    Your site is amazing. Thank you for all the information you pass along. -Bart

    1. Thanks Bart and thanks for all of your contributions as well!

      Indeed, the Guardian has still not published the comment.
