Green NGO – Public Bored And Disinterested By Climate Change Fear Stories
Posted by Tory Aardvark
Climate Outreach and Information Network (COIN) – “civil society is exhausted by Climate Change fear stories”
As the Anthropogenic Global Warming boondoggle continues to collapse, the Greens and others complicit in the warming alarmist industry are busily looking for reasons for their failure to convince people of the validity of their message.
After more the 20 years of Mainstream Media outlets continually pumping out every bit of Green propaganda no matter how ludicrous, interest in the Global Warming has continued to decline, to the point where most people’s eyes glaze over at the mere mention of the topic.
The Climate Outreach and Information Network (COIN) based in Oxford specializes in propagating Green Fear stories, sometimes called climate change communication, and one of their co-founders George Marshall knows just how difficult it is to engage anyone in a discussion about the irrational fear of CO2:
Whenever he can, Marshall tries to engage people in conversation about global warming: he finds it a tough task.“I’m always casual about it – after all, no one wants to find themselves sitting next to a zealot on a long-distance train journey.“But I need not worry because, however I say it, the result is almost always the same: the words collapse, sink and die in mid-air and the conversation suddenly changes course…it’s like an invisible force field that you only discover when you barge right into it. Few people ever do, because, without having ever been told, they have somehow learned that this topic is out of bounds.”
Yet another reason to travel by car, the chances of finding a Climate Change zealot in the car is about as likely as one of Marshall’s Green Armageddon events happening.
In many ways being stuck next to a Climate Change zealot, is worse than being sat next to a Jehovah’s witness, they at least do have a day off.
Others in the business of communicating climate change will sympathise: they become used to eyes glazing over, people suddenly finding others to talk to or urgently expressing the need for a drink. It can be a lonely occupation.COIN has just produced a report entitled Climate Silence, questioning why the interest of the public in global warming is still low – despite all the warnings about the threats being faced.
Its called crying Wolf, repeatedly, the Greens simply don’t comprehend that after decades of failed predictions of looming environmental holocaust, people are bored of the CO2 wolf that never comes, instead the Green response is always more of the same, and sillier fear stories about a new study that has just found something we should all crap our pants about.
“Civil society, exhausted by the disappointment of the Copenhagen climate change negotiations in 2009, has largely fallen silent. Scientists, cowed by personal attacks, have become increasingly reticent.
Climategate made the public aware of the scale of the deception that was being carried out by politically motivated science, and as for scientists cowed by personal attacks, they should grow a pair.
If you wanted personal attacks try being someone who never bought in to the AGW scam between 2008 – 2012, personal attacks and being trolled daily was normal as the warming alarmists vitriol was unleashed on all who did believe in the Church of Climatology.
But like all good scams and totalitarian ideologies the suppression of dissent and discussion was of a paramount importance to keep the public with the Green message:
“A door that was once firmly shut – to sceptical voices in the mainstream media – has been opened again…public interest has dwindled. The debate has become stale and fatigued.”
The Greens and warmists always knew that their story would never stand up to public scrutiny and debate which is why they worked so hard to suppress dissent and smear the opponents with labels like “Denier”.
The situation for Climate Religion is just as dire in the USA:
In the US there seems to be less public engagement in the issue. A survey this year by Yale University found that only 8% of respondents said they communicated publicly about climate change, while nearly 70% said they rarely or never spoke about it.
In the final analysis it is difficult to see how the Greens can ever change their message from crying wolf and peddling fear, their scam is not based on having a better tomorrow, but rather on something really, really bad will happen if you don’t do as we say.
The other problem totally ignored by COIN is that post COP19 the cat is out of the bag about wealth redistribution, always the major motivating force behind the AGW scam, and the voters in the western world are not up for this at all.
Even Barack Obama has realised that selling loss and damage to US voters is: politically impossible to present to domestic audiences.
Not so. A majority of Americans are convnced and concerned.
ReplyDeletejust in... This last November was globally the warmest November ever recorded.
And I will take bets any given month in the next year will be warmer than averaged over the 20Ce. I'll give you odds as well
"just in... This last November was globally the warmest November ever recorded."
DeleteNovember 2013 was ranked by the 2 satellite data sets as 9th and 16th warmest.
Therefore, you already lost the bet for November 2013.
However, I'll bet with you again on December 2013, and every other month in 2014 and beyond.