Katie Pavlich | Jun 27, 2013 Townhall.com
In an effort to make people take President Obama's
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Just this week, President Obama announced his comprehensive plan to tackle climate change. And guess what? The climate-change deniers are already out in full force.
It's astounding to me that in 2013 there are still people who claim that climate change isn't real -- a viewpoint with no basis in scientific fact. [How about all 73 IPCC climate models exaggerating the nonexistent global warming in the real world?]
But because these people have the backing of powerful special interests, they've been able to control much of the conversation in Washington and halt progress on these critical issues. And while I hate to say it, if we don't act quickly to support the President, they might win again.
Will you stand up to climate-change deniers and stand with President Obama?
Under the President's plan, we have a real chance to reduce our carbon footprint, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and create a more sustainable future for our children, and our children's children. But it won't happen if we don't act.
I can guarantee you that this will be a big fight -- many Republicans will deny science and claim that "those liberals" are making it up. But you, me, and 97 percent of scientists know better [we meant only 5%]-- climate change is real and we have to act now before it's too late.
As the President said, "we don't have time for a meeting of the flat-earth society." Stand up and fight today:
Patrick Gaspard Executive Director
FLASHBACK: 1970's global cooling scare.
Obama, Not 'Skeptics,' Serves as President of the 'Flat-Earth Society'
So who is really the president of the "Flat Earth Society" on this issue? It is not the so-called "skeptics" who rely on scientific data to inform their position. The Flat Earthers are people such as Obama, who ignore that solid evidence and simply declare their religious belief that human activity is catastrophically changing the Earth's climate.
Scientists since the time of Pythagoras in the 6th Century B.C. knew the Earth was round. What's Obama's excuse?
I think that many climate alarmists must know that phrases such as "remarkable coincidences" or "dramatic changes" are lies. But they have almost no problem to emit these lies because these words are "qualitative" and not "quantitative" so it's not really possible to rigorously prove that they're lies.
In 1988 James Hansen turned off the air conditioning and opened the windows in congress on a hot day in D.C. to make his point. Obama held his press conference outside in the direct sunlight on a 93º degree day, and the first thing Obama does is comment on how hot it is and takes off his suit coat. Then during the rest of his speech he kept wiping sweat off his face. I think this was supposed to be some sort of an attempt at subliminal messaging I think it just came off as sophomoric, he seemed to be making light of a very important issue.
President Obama laid out his case yesterday
Last year was very warm in the US
Globally, the past decade was warmer than the 1970s
It is hot and muggy in DC in the summer
Therefore there is a huge storm coming, and he doesn’t have time to debate it with the Flat Earth Society. Immediate dictatorial action is needed to stop this storm.
Who could argue with such rational, clear minded thinking?
First, Joe Manchin denied Obama, calling him a Flat Earther.
Manchin calls Obama a flat-earther and much more.
So who is really the president of the “Flat Earth Society” on this issue? It is not the so-called “skeptics” who rely on scientific data to inform their position. The Flat Earthers are people such as Obama, who ignore that solid evidence and simply declare their religious belief that human activity is catastrophically changing the Earth’s climate.
I don't know about the Flat Earth Society but I am a member of the Flat Chart Society, no warming for 15 years. #ObamaClimateProud moment for warmists: President of real Flat Earth Society believes in the global warming hoax
Actually, even the Flat Earth Society believes in climate change - Salon.com
As it turns out, there is a real Flat Earth Society and its president thinks that anthropogenic climate change is real. In an email to Salon, president Daniel Shenton said that while he “can’t speak for the Society as a whole regarding climate change,” he personally thinks the evidence suggests fossil fuel usage is contributing to global warming.
“I accept that climate change is a process which has been ongoing since beginning of detectable history, but there seems to be a definite correlation between the recent increase in world-wide temperatures and man’s entry into the industrial age,” he said. “If it’s a coincidence, it’s quite a remarkable one. We may have experienced a temperature increase even without our use of fossil fuels since the Industrial Revolution, but I doubt it would be as dramatic as what we’re seeing now.”Twitter / evanlehmann: Obama: willing to work with ...
Obama: willing to work with "anybody" but "we don't have time for a meeting of the flat earth society"
Obama Blasts Global Warming Skeptics As “Flat-Earth Society”…
Says the guy who believes in global warming despite the fact there has been zero increase in global temps over the last decade and a half even with an increase in CO2 emissions that exceeded expectations.
Obama and his Flat Earth Society: Obama is a Solar Denialist
H/T several of above links are from Tom Nelson
The Age of Global Warming is Over
ReplyDeleteCO2 is NOT "carbon pollution"
Astronaut debunks "flat earth" claims of climate alarmists